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作者:admin    发布时间:2021-12-01

      美国国家电气规范是一套指导方针,描述了将电气安装引起的电击、火灾和爆炸危险降至最低的程序。 NEC 的文本分为九章,每一章又分为单独的文章。 NEC 类型是首字母缩略词,由描述电缆类型(例如同轴电缆、CATV、光纤)的前缀和表示其已通过的火焰测试类型及其安装位置的后缀组成。 下表列出了描述电线和电缆产品的文章(包括所需的电缆标记)。


Article Type

Test Requirement NEC Article
Plenum Riser Commercial Residential
725   CL2 Class 2 Cables CL2P CL2R CL2 CL2X*
CL3 Class 3 cables CL3P CL3R CL3 CL3X*

A stand-alone class. This is a power limited tray cable — a CL3-type cable which can be used outdoors, is sunlight- and moisture-resistant and must pass the Vertical Tray flame test.

None None PLTC None
760 FPL

Power limited, fire protective signaling circuit cable

770 OFC

Fiber cable also containing metallic conductors

OFN Fiber cable only containing optical fibers OFNP OFNR OFNG, OFN None
800 CM Communications CMP CMR CMG, CM CMX*
MP Multi-Purpose Cables MPP MPR MPG, MP None
820 CATV Community antenna television CATVP CATVR CATV CATVX**
830 BM Network-powered broadband communications cable BLP BMR BM BLX
*Cable diameter must be less than 0.250″ **Cable diameter must be less than 0.375″

      UL/NEC认证的电缆也可能是C(UL)/CEC认证的通信电缆,符合双边标准CSA C22.2 No.214/UL444和加拿大电气规范第1部分第60章节的要求(CEC)。C(UL)电缆名称可能是以下之一:

      1. CMP — Cable meeting CSA FT6 or NFPA 262 (UL 910);
      2. CMR — Cable meeting UL 1666, CSA FT4
      3. CMG — Cable meeting CSA FT4
      4. CM — Cable meeting UL 1685 (UL 1581, Sec. 1160) Vertical-Tray, CSA FT1
      5. CMX — Cable meeting UL 1581, Sec. 1080 (VW-1), CSA FT1
      6. CMH — Cable meeting CSA FT1.



FT1 Vertical Flame Test — per C.S.A. C22.2 No. 0.3-92 Para 4.11.1

FT1 垂直火焰测试 — 根据 C.S.A. C22.2 No. 0.3-92 第 4.11.1 段

A finished cable shall not propagate a flame or continue to burn for more than one (1) minute after five (5) fifteen (15) second applications of the test flame. There is an interval of fifteen (15) seconds between flame applications. The flame test shall be performed in accordance with Para 4.11.1 of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard C22.2 No. 0.3. In addition, if more than 25% of the indicator flag is burned, the test cable fails. FT1 Cables can be used in Combustible buildings.

成品电缆在测试火焰施加5 (5) 15 (15) 秒后不应传播火焰或继续燃烧超过1 (1) 分钟。 火焰应用之间有15 (15) 秒的间隔。 火焰测试应按照加拿大标准协会 (CSA) 标准 C22.2 No. 0.3 第 4.11.1 段进行。 此外,如果超过 25% 的指示器标志被烧毁,则测试电缆失败。 FT1 电缆可用于可燃建筑物。


FT4 Vertical Flame Test — Cables in Cable Trays per C.S.A. C22.2 No. 0.3-92 Para 4.11.4

FT4 垂直火焰测试 — 电缆桥架中的电缆符合 C.S.A. C22.2 No. 0.3-92 Para 4.11.4

The FT4 Vertical Flame Test — Cables in Cable Trays is similar to the UL-1685 Vertical Tray Flame Test, but is more severe. The FT4 test has its burner mounted at 20° from the horizontal with the burner ports facing up. The UL-1685 Vertical Tray has its burner at 0° from the horizontal. The FT4 samples must be larger than 13mm (.512″) in diameter. If not, then the cable samples are grouped in units of at least three (3) to obtain a grouped overall diameter of 13mm. The UL-1581 Vertical Tray does not distinguish on cable size. The FT4 has a maximum char height of 1.5 m (59″) measured from the lower edge of the burner face. The UL-1685 has a flame height allowable up to approximately 78″ measured from the burner. FT4 Cables can be used in Non-Combustible buildings.

FT4 垂直火焰测试 — 电缆桥架中的电缆类似于 UL-1685 垂直桥架火焰测试,但更为严格。 FT4 测试的燃烧器安装在与水平面成 20° 的位置,燃烧器端口朝上。 UL-1685 垂直托盘的燃烧器与水平面成 0°。 FT4 样品的直径必须大于 13 毫米(0.512 英寸)。 如果不是,则电缆样品以至少3 (3) 个为单位分组以获得 13 毫米的分组总直径。 UL-1581 垂直托盘不区分电缆尺寸。 从燃烧器面的下边缘测量,FT4 的最大炭高度为 1.5 m (59")。 UL-1685 的火焰高度允许高达大约 78 英寸(从燃烧器测量)。 FT4 电缆可用于不燃建筑。


FT6 Horizontal Flame & Smoke Test — per C.S.A. C22.2 No. 0.3-92 Appendix B

FT6 水平火焰和烟雾测试 — 根据 C.S.A. C22.2 No. 0.3-92 附录 B

Products passing the FT6 Horizontal Flame and Smoke Test are designated FT6 in the column where the trade number appears. This test is for cables which must pass a Horizontal Flame and Smoke Test in accordance with ANSI/NFPA Standard 262-1985 (UL-910). The maximum flame spread shall be 1.50 meters (4.92 ft.). The smoke density shall be 0.5 at peak optical density and 0.15 at maximum average optical density.

通过 FT6 水平火焰和烟雾测试的产品在商品编号所在的列中被指定为 FT6。 该测试适用于必须通过符合 ANSI/NFPA 标准 262-1985 (UL-910) 的水平火焰和烟雾测试的电缆。 最大火焰蔓延应为 1.50 米(4.92 英尺)。 烟气密度在峰值光密度时应为 0.5,在最大平均光密度时应为 0.15。

Combustible Construction可燃建筑

Combustible Construction; means that type of construction that does not meet the requirement for noncombustible construction. Combustible means that a material fails to meet the acceptance criteria of CAN/ULC S114, (Standard Method of test for determination of non-combustibility in Building Materials) (ref: NBC Part 1 Section

可燃结构; 指不符合不燃建筑要求的建筑类型。 可燃是指材料不符合 CAN/ULC S114(建筑材料不燃性测定标准测试方法)的验收标准(参考:NBC 第 1 部分第 节)。

Noncombustible Construction不燃建筑

Non-Combustible Construction; means that type of construction in which a degree of fire safety is attained by the use of noncombustible materials for structural members and other building assemblies. Non-Combustible means that a material meets the acceptance criteria of CAN/ULC S114, (Standard Method of test for determination of non-combustibility in Building Materials) (ref: NBC Part

不燃结构; 指通过将不燃材料用于结构构件和其他建筑组件来实现一定程度防火安全的建筑类型。 不燃是指材料符合 CAN/ULC S114(建筑材料不燃性测定标准测试方法)的验收标准(参考:NBC Part。

      根据 C22.2 #214 的电缆替代层次结构 — 通信电缆
      A. 已发现标有 MPP、CMP、MPR、CMR、MPG、CMG、MP、CM、CMX、CMH、FT6 和 FT4 的通信电缆符合 FT1 的标准标准。
      B. 已发现标有 MPP、CMP、MPR、CMR、MPG、CMG 和 FT6 的通信电缆符合 FT4 的标准标准。
      C. 已发现标有 MPP 和 CMP 的通信电缆符合 FT6 的标准。






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      邮   箱:kevin@ip-quality.org.cn

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